Celebrate National Burger Day At Five Guys!

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It’s National Burger Day and popular burger restaurant, Five Guys is celebrating in style! Along with welcoming burger lovers from all over the UK to indulge in their famous burgers, fries and milkshakes, the company has also revealed some behind the scenes statistics detailing just how much us Brits are loving their menu…

After launching in the UK nine years ago, Five Guys has expanded to boast 144 restaurants over here, employing over 4,700 people in the UK alone. In celebration of National Burger Day, here is the juicy information we now know about the Brits and Five Guys…

●        Of the 15 toppings available for personalising a burger, the most popular toppings are, in order: 1. Lettuce, 2. Ketchup, 3. Grilled onion, 4. Bacon, 5. Tomato; if you were to order a burger every day in an attempt to try out every single burger combination available, it would take 684 years to try them all!

●        Every day, approximately 1,122 bags of 25kg of potatoes are hand-cut into fresh fries across the UK. Brits have a clear preference for the classic salted fries, ordering three times as many compared to the Cajun spiced alternative.

●        Since National Burger Day 2021, the number of milkshakes sold in the UK would have been enough to fill 1 full Olympic sized swimming pool.

So why not go down to your local Five Guys restaurant to celebrate National Burger Day yourself? Come on, you’ve earned it!

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